The Bachelorette hasn’t even started yet and Elly Miles’ sister Becky has been dragged into a lil’ controversy.
Yep, Ed Kavalee revealed to his radio co-host Dave Hughes on the Hughsey & Ed show in August that Becky ‘dumped’ her boyfriend to be apart of the dating series.
He explained that she hadn’t just ‘recently had her heart broken’ as stated in the official media release – but had actually been doing the heart breaking herself.
‘The person that she was with found out she was doing this show from the press,’ Kavalee admitted.
Dave then asked: ‘So he thought he was in a relationship with the older sister and he’s found out that he’s no longer in a relationship with her when he saw the press release that she was on The Bachelorette?’

‘Yes, exactly’, Ed replied, before adding that he was told by ‘people deep into reality TV’.
And according to Ed, when Becky’s boyfriend found out she was on the show he was absolutely ‘devastated.’
So sad! We hope this is just a nasty rumour – poor guy!
To check out some pap pics of the sisters from their first night at the mansion, click here.