When it comes to reality tv, the best drama usually happens off-camera.
Which is exactly what happened on The Bachelor this week, with a huge behind-the-scenes fight ultimately leading to Roxi Kenny quitting the show.
We spoke to our well-placed insider, aka someone who was there, to find out what actually went down and why she really chose to leave.
Here’s what they said….
‘The girls all went into a hotel before then filming their arrivals back at the house. Roxi was asked [by a producer] to start a bit of a fight with Juliette beforehand, and it was implied in a ‘wink wink’ kind of way that if she did, Locky would then ask Juliette to leave at the cocktail party. But he never did.
‘Roxi then went and spoke with her producer, and got upset because she felt she was being used as a puppet to start fights. She then went into her bedroom upset and they allowed Juliette to walk in after her, all off-camera.
‘Juliette said something like ‘we all know you sleep with everyone’ and walked out. Roxi was furious, ran out of the room after her and [producers] already had all of the cameras there ready to chase her. She realised she was being set up and used to fuel drama.
‘So she quit right there and then because she felt like they were all treating her like shit and making all these bad things happen to get a reaction.’
*UPDATE* Roxi has since confirmed this version of events in her exit interview, which you can read here
Of course there’s two sides to every story, but this feels pretty believable? A lot of her drama with Juliette rarely made any sense and seemed to come out of nowhere.
If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that producers orchestrate drama.
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