Married At First Sight’s Samantha Jayne Harvey has 99.9% confirmed that husband Cameron Dunne cheated on her on the show.
Following our story about Cameron’s rumoured affair with Coco Stedman on Monday night, Sam was asked about the whole thing on Hit Hobart 100.9 with Jimmy & Nath on Tuesday morning.
And her cryptic response was very telling.
When asked if Cameron does cheat, Sam stuttered a bit: ‘Look, you guys are going to have to watch and see it all play out. This whole moral thing that is coming up now will be raised again later in the show… you guys are going to have to watch to find out, because that’s a massive spoiler and I’m not going there.’
The fact she didn’t deny the rumour, mentioned an upcoming storyline about morals and said ‘I’m not going there’ just screams ‘yes the rumour is true!!’ to us, don’t you think?
As she was then asked if we’re going to find her at the centre of any big storylines coming up, Sam added: ‘Yeah… I literally… I promised my mum and dad I’d go on the show and wouldn’t be in any drama. That I’d be the quiet little mouse at the end of the table, but… [laughs].’
PS: If you’re behind on the whole Cameron and Coco thing, click here for the spoilers