The Bachelorette Becky Miles breaks silence on claims she dumped a secret boyfriend for the show

The Bachelorette Becky Miles breaks silence on claims she dumped a secret boyfriend for the show

It has long been rumoured that Becky Miles dumped her ex-boyfriend to become The Bachelorette with sister Elly.

But during a recent interview with Woman’s Day, the 30-year-old shared a very different story.

‘I wasn’t in a relationship when I signed on to this, I can tell you that! I was casually dating someone before the show, which was for a short amount of time. He was a great guy, we have great respect for each other,’ she clarified.

‘When I told him about this opportunity, I tried to be as honest as possible and we left on a good note. I was in a relationship last year – I fell in love with this guy two months before I was leaving for a holiday.

‘But when we came home, a month or two afterwards I found out through friends he was mucking around on me,’ Becky continued.
Becky Miles said she didn't have a boyfriend before signing on to be The Bachelorette.
Becky Miles said she didn’t have a boyfriend before signing on to be The Bachelorette.

The interview comes after Ed Kavalee revealed to his radio co-host Dave Hughes on the Hughsey & Ed show in August that Becky ‘dumped’ her boyfriend to be apart of the dating series.

He explained that she hadn’t just ‘recently had her heart broken’ as stated in the official media release – but had actually been doing the heart breaking herself.

‘The person that she was with found out she was doing this show from the press,’ Kavalee admitted.

Dave then asked: ‘So he thought he was in a relationship with the older sister and he’s found out that he’s no longer in a relationship with her when he saw the press release that she was on The Bachelorette?’

We wonder if Elly knew? Hmm
In August, rumours swirled that Becky dumped her boyfriend to be on the show.

‘Yes, exactly’, Ed replied, before adding that he was told by ‘people deep into reality TV’.

And according to Ed, when Becky’s boyfriend found out she was on the show he was absolutely ‘devastated.’

Well that puts that rumour to bed!

To check out some pap pics of the sisters from their first night at the mansion, click here.


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