Earlier this week, Booka Nile’s best mate Madlin Sims hit back at rumours the Married At First Sight star isn’t called Booka Nila after all.
‘This ones for the flogs saying Booka isn’t her real name,’ Madlin wrote to Facebook with a pic of Booka’s driver’s license, confirming it is her name.
We then thought we’d do a little digging to see if any of her co-stars may actually have different names to the ones they’re going by on TV.
And it turns out they do.

As expected, Coco is not Coco’s real name.
She is actually Constance Rose Victoria Stedman, and started going by the nickname Coco after leaving her job as a police officer several years ago.
Jame is also not James Susler’s actual first name.
According to the Australian Business Register, his first name is Cengiz and James is his middle name, making his full name Cengiz James Susler.

Meanwhile, Alana Lister was reportedly born Sinead Chong, which she went by throughout primary and high school.
According to gossip website Daily Mail Australia, the teacher then changed her name to Alana Lister after graduating in 2009.