If there’s one thing Megan Marx is, it’s honest.
During a recent Instagram Q&A, the Bachelor In Paradise star was refreshingly transparent with fans about her cosmetic transformation so far, and explained that she has zero regrets.
‘I don’t regret anything I’ve done. There was a period of time where I looked a bit weird and was a bit swollen, and had too much filler, but I try not to do that now,’ the reality star admitted.

When asked where exactly she has filler injected, Megan responded: ‘I recently got some filler in my jawline, just to give it a [defined] look. I also get some in my lips, and want them to look more defined too, rather than full.’
She denied rumours she has had ‘cheek implants’ – laughing that hers are all natural.
As followers then asked where she has work done, the star said she sees Dr Hatem in Brisbane as ‘he knows the look that I’m going for’.

‘I don’t want to look overdone, and he’s like, “less is more, natural beauty” kind of thing,’ she said.
Other than lip and jawline filler, Megan had a breast augmentation when she was 18, underwent rhinoplasty and a lip lift in 2018 and uses Botox.
‘I like to eat healthy and work out, but no matter how much of that you do, your nose doesn’t get any smaller,’ she laughed after undergoing her rhinoplasty two years ago.
We wish all reality stars were this honest!